Morse portable industrial strength sewing machine – YouTube. Video will open in a new window. SOME OF THE FEATURES BUILT IN HANDLE PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A WALKING FOOT ATTATCHMENT MACHINE WHICH MEANS IT COMES WITH THE WALKING FOOT AND IS REMOVABLE NOT BUILT IN. AND I USED REGULAR HOUSE HOLD THREAD ON THE YOUTUBE DEMO. NOT COMMERCIAL THREAD MODEL L900. 10 BUILT IN STITCH FUNCTIONS. AUTO FOUR STEP BUTTON HOLE MAKER. YOU CAN USE TWIN NEEDLE STITCHING. ADJUSTABLE STITCH LENGTH AND WIDTH. BUILT IN BLIND HEM STITCH. VERY EASY TO THREAD. Included with this machine is. Built in 5000 rpm MOTOR. Motor to sew leather and much more. NOTE MACHINE WILL WORK GREAT ON SOFT LEATHERS NOT HARD LEATHERS. This machine has a (removable walking foot) so it will not skip. This machine is portable and easy to move from room to room. You can operate this machine on any table. This machine needs no special set up. The machine will be ready to sew out of the box. Will sew up to 1/4 leather, canvass, 8 layers of jean fabric. This machine has a cogged drive belt on motor and will sew all your heavy duty projects. This machine has all metal drive gears, the machines body is made of lexan plastic. What i like is this walking foot is removable and when sewing light fabric you can remove it at any time and when sewing heavy stuff you can put the walker foot back on.